Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Boggsed down

it's me wade boggs. i have created this entry because i thought of a really keen pun using my name, and it just had to be a title. so here i am, BOGGSED down. get it?

so i guess i owe you all a bit of an exclamation. i've been inconspiculously absent for the last year and also the half of a year before that. i wish i could say something exciting happened. like maybe i woke up one morning in a cube, which later became A HYPERCUBE, WHICH LATER BECAME A CUBE ZERO. this is not the case.

instead, i just couldn't afford the internet.

but i'm back now, and enjoy it while it lasts because i am like dust in the wind. i am like a really, truly terrible song.

i have some things to say about our politic, and in particulary our current and former president george washington bush, jr. he was sure mumbly, but he made some good points in relation to the ongoing problems in quebec and afghanigan. i think that he will go down in history books as a president. and really, isn't that all a gent can ask for?

forthcoming is our current and futurely former president, brock obama. he is one half of our first black president, and he is one half of our 44th white president. this will make any future numerical assesment of the presidency difficult and awkward. "congraduations to our 44 1/2 white president, senator sarah palin and tall." lol just kidding.

and what happens when we receive our first transgendered president? will it be our 1/2th female president? what if michael jordan becomes president? he will be our 1.5th black president, our second actor president, our 1/2th basketball president, and our 1/2th baseball president. these issues need to be dissected in a laboratory, preferably with a forceps.

i leave you all with one thought.